Saturday, August 19, 2006

Dive 17: La Rose Wreck

Site: La Rose Wreck, Grand Bahama Island
Date: August 5th, 2006
Operator: Fred Riger, Grand Bahama Scuba

The Final dive of the trip...

Depth: 55-75ft
Duration: 25min


Dive 16: It's All About the Angle of Penetration

Site: Sea Star II Wreck, Grand Bahama Island
Date: August 5th, 2006
Operator: Fred Riger, Grand Bahama Scuba

Penetration of the stern section of the Sea Star II

Depth: 65-85ft


Dive 15: Farewell and Adieu to You Fair Spanish Ladies

Site: Shark Junction, Grand Bahama Island
Date: August 4th, 2006
Operator: Fred Riger, Grand Bahama Scuba

Two Black-Tip Caribbean Reef Sharks 4.5 and 5.5 feet in length. One remora 2.5 feet in length.

Off in the distance a Manta Ray about 5-7 foot wingspan.

Depth: 50ft


Dive 14: First Warm Water Dive

Site: Tunnels, Grand Bahama Island
Date: August 4th, 2006
Operator: Fred Riger, Grand Bahama Scuba

My first ever warm water dive. Really neat swim-throughs in the reef.

Depth: 65-75ft


Dive 13: Low-vis Search Pattern Practice

Site: The Granthall, Porteau Cove Provincial Park, Howe Sound, British Columbia
Date: July 1st, 2006
Operator: Great Pacific Diving

Got lost following Jer, found our way back to The Granthall. Saw an itty bitty octopus in a crack while we were 'exploring'. My expert navigation found us surface almost in the boat launch.

Depth: 65-75ft


Dive 12: A Very Long Surface Interval

Site: The Granthall, Porteau Cove Provincial Park, Howe Sound British Columbia
Date: July 1st, 2006
Operator: Great Pacific Diving

My first dive after 7 years out of the water, and only the third dive in 11 years. Descended to The Granthall and explored around. I think I've gotten the diving bug again.

Buddies: Jer, Ian, with Edan and Andy kicking about.
Depth: 45-75ft


Dive 11: Diving with Julia

Placeholder for Dive 11.

Saw a seal at depth.


Dive 10: Diving with Julia

Placeholder for Dive 10.


Dive 9: Advanced Open Water Certification: Night Dive

Date: Tuesday, June 6th, 1995 7:30PM
Location: Cates Park, North Vancouver, BC
Visibility: 10-15ft
Depth: 45-50ft
Duration: ~25min
Surface Interval: 53 hours
Tank: Al80


This was the Night dive part of the AOW certification. It was done in the early evening in Summer, so wasn't much of a night dive. At depth though there was almost no light from the surface, and the affect on the dive experience was very interesting. There wasn't a whole lot to see in the bay part of Cates Park, a few concrete objects that didn't yet qualify as artificial reefs. However we did find a sea pen about 18 inches tall that my instructor had us gather around. She got us to point our lights behind us as she strummed her fingers up along its centre. As her fingers stroked the ribbing, it light up with shocks of bioluminescence. It was really remarkable. Apparently if it's really dark you'll see bioluminescence when waving your hand through the water, but because the sea pen is effectively a filter for the plankton, it was super-concentrated, and visible in the twilight we were in.

We puttered around for a little while. I was young and new to diving, so I stuck like a remora right off my instructor's left shoulder. She later said that I was an excellent buddy, she never had to worry about where I was, she just had to shoulder check, and I was giving her the ok salute. Overall it was a pleasant dive, until it came time to ascend. As we ascended slowly up the beach from around 40 feet I developed a problem equalizing. I hadn't had any trouble equalizing on the way down, but during the dive my sinuses must have become blocked. It started out like a painful sinus cold, but quickly progressed into a painful pressure on the inside of one of my teeth.

A few more feet of ascension and it was agony. It was like an ice-pick being pressed into the raw nerve. I tapped my instructor on the shoulder and tried to signal that I had problems. I gave the hand rocking back and forth 'things are a little uneasy' signal, but was quite calm. She wasn't sure what was happening so I signaled again and pointed at my tooth. It's not an easy charade to indicate that you are having equalization problems with your tooth in darkness while wearing 25lbs of neoprene and holding a regulator in your mouth. I kept wiggling my jaw and ears, trying to relieve the agony when I heard a super high-pitched squeal as the air equalized out of my sinuses. I can tell you from experience that the best part of torture is when it stops. The feeling was incredible, and I indicated we could proceed up to shore.

However, over the next 10ft of ascension, my painless bliss gradually turned into dentistry from hell once again. Again I tried to explain the problem to my instructor, and had her slow down. Mystified, she waited patiently until I said we could proceed. After more contortions, I heard the squeal of joy once again, and we continued up, only to have to repeat the entire process one final time.

I was quite glad to finally break the surface. At this point I had the pleasure of experiencing the effects of forced gradual decompression of blocked sinuses on the human nasal-mucal membrane. These effects result in impressively large amounts of mucous seeping out of the nose and eyes, enough to quarter-fill a mask and escape out the skirt onto the face and hood. Quite pleasant really. Think Peter Venkman post interaction with vapourous apparition.

After cleaning off, I explained to my instructor what I was trying to communicate. She had no idea, though knew that I was calm and breathing fine, so there was no serious concern. Overall it was an exceedingly unpleasant end to an otherwise enjoyable dive.


Dive 8: Advanced Open Water Certification

Date: Sunday, June 4th, 1995
Location: Georgia Straight, BC
Visibility: 20-30ft
Depth: 45-55ft
Duration: ~25min
Surface Interval: 1 hour
Tank: Al80


Placeholder for dive 8.


Dive 7: Advanced Open Water Certification: Deep Dive

Date: Sunday, June 4th, 1995
Location: Georgia Straight, BC
Visibility: 20-30ft
Depth: 100ft
Duration: ~14min
Surface Interval: 21 hours
Tank: Al80


This was the Deep dive part of the AOW certification. I was 15 at the time and had never had any sort of buzz at that point. I was concentrating very hard on the dive in order to help prepare for narcosis. We settled down to the bottom in the near stygian darkness of the Georgia Straight and my instructor started pulling stuff out of her mesh bag. First she handed a tennis ball to us one at a time. I remember thinking it was neat at how crushed it was. Next she pulled an orange out, and cut a slice out of it. She offered it to us one at a time, and I remember wondering what I was supposed to do with it. She made encouraging 'go ahead' motions to me, but I just looked back at her a little confused as to what she was getting at. She then proceeded to offer it to the next student.

She hadn't told us to expect the show-and-tell, but after the dive on the boat she explained it was a sort of test to see if we were narced. She claimed that she'd had people wanting to take a bite of the orange at depth. I'm not too sure of the safety of this, but I never noticed any sort of feeling other than perhaps wondering if she was narced.

We spent only a few short moments at 100ft, and then gradually followed the sloping bottom up to the surface. Because we were diving square profiles, all time at depth was considered to be at 100ft, so we didn't spend much time at shallow depths.


Dive 6: Advanced Open Water Certification!

Place holder for Dive 6.


Dive 5: Advanced Open Water Certification!

Place holder for Dive 5.


Dive 4: Open Water Certification!

Placeholder for Dive 4.


Dive 3: Open Water Certification!

Placeholder for Dive 3.


Dive 2: Open Water Certification!

Placeholder for Dive 2.


Dive 1: Open Water Certification!

Placeholder for Dive 1.